Build Wrangler

Building things that build things.

  • Lint Early and Lint Often

    Some of the lowest hanging fruit you can pick for an easier to maintain project is setting up and automating linting on every check-in or pull-request as early as possible. It should be one of the first steps in any build pipeline and often serves as an early indicator if you’ve tried to push something obviously wrong quickly. Linting will prevent a lot of unnecessary dings on pull-requests and wasted engineering time having to point these things out as well.

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  • Google: A Peek At The Campus And Culture

    Getting invited on a scholarship to visit a Google campus and attend their development conference is a memorable experience. It’s an excellent opportunity for a developer to learn about what makes Google tick, their software development process and what their continuous integration and continuous delivery systems are like. Here are some of the takeaways from the conference and the time I got to spend with some of their engineers:

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  • Highlights from the Google Automation Conference

    I have listed the talks I got the most value out of from top to bottom with supporting links when appropriate. After digging through my notes from when I attended GTAC 2016 I wanted to share the ones that stood out the most. Talk: How Flaky Tests in Continuous Integration This is my pick for best talk of the conference. It’s ground breaking research into flaky tests from googles massive amounts of build data and how they use it to make developers more productive and spot legitimate bugs faster.

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  • Resources for Learning Ruby

    The following are useful resources I used for learning ruby as I transitioned from C# and ASP.NET development to Ruby on Rails. Learn Ruby The Hard Way: Zed Shaw is always excellent and never boring. All his “learn the hard” way books are really good and this is a no bs way to start practicing and learning ruby. The free online ebook is a huge plus. Ruby Syntax With Examples: Tutorials Point has a pretty decent overview of Ruby syntax and implementation of common methods, data types, control flows, object-oriented pieces etc… Useful when I just want a bite-size example of something in ruby.

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